Hello friends.
This is not a serious matter yet it is one that will stay with me for a while. I, like many of you I am sure, have what I like to call a "softee heart". If you have always been the type that no matter how much wrong has been done to you, you still couldn't look the person in the eye and chew them out, well you too are a softee! I have had many things happen in my life and each time instead of standing up and getting defensive I have chose to bow-out if you will and not confront or just simply disappear into the moment. WELL, I have been praying about how I may approach a situation in the future if God intends me to face certain people or trials.
TODAY IT HAPPENED....well...not the culprit but someone very close to them.
1) Picture me with my head held high, smile on my face, and they walk on by like the grace of God said, "keep on movin"..............
Now picture this,
2)I see them, I look down, I frantically reach for my phone, and make no eye contact and wait for the gruelling 20 seconds for them to pass elapse.
What happened? Scenario 2! Oh how I wish I had maintained composure and let the glory of God pour through my eyes! The eyes of love that I truely do have for them yet I couldn't do it. I couldn't do anything but hide away in my nervousness.
I pray that God give me another chance to make it right, if it is His will. He is the defender to the weak, the power for the powerless, and the vindicator of the persecuted by His name. God knows the situation I have been in but I want you to know this, in EVERY situation, He has already won the battle. It takes one ounce of defeat for us to willingly take the credit and glory from our Father and hand it freely over to the enemy. The enemy is not good, he is just good a what he does. God is soooooooo much better, He has already won the battle. I will stand firm and daily renew my mind to the truth that He has defended His beloved and had won on our behalf, it is up to us to just STAND.
I'm standing.
Peace to you dear friends~
About Me

- Amber
- I am a 25 year old college grad and am taking the road less traveled. A couple of years ago I moved from my hometown of 20+ years and a life of stability and familiarity to follow the call of the Lord. It sounds a bit crazy but I know my Father's voice and He said to go...so I did. I am a Pre-K teacher and tutor and I believe in relying on the Lord to the best of my human ability for every open door to be provided. He has not failed me yet and I am beginning to think He never will...(He doesn't!He is GOD!)I love playing the guitar and I have been blessed with a voice to praise my maker. I look forward to writing and playing worship music with my future husband(whomever God is bringing) one day and raising an army for Christ.