About Me

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I am a 25 year old college grad and am taking the road less traveled. A couple of years ago I moved from my hometown of 20+ years and a life of stability and familiarity to follow the call of the Lord. It sounds a bit crazy but I know my Father's voice and He said to go...so I did. I am a Pre-K teacher and tutor and I believe in relying on the Lord to the best of my human ability for every open door to be provided. He has not failed me yet and I am beginning to think He never will...(He doesn't!He is GOD!)I love playing the guitar and I have been blessed with a voice to praise my maker. I look forward to writing and playing worship music with my future husband(whomever God is bringing) one day and raising an army for Christ.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter... GOD IS ALIVE!!!

Hello, Hello~

Yes, God is alive! He is... and has always been but it takes a while for my brain sometimes to relate the story of Easter to the God I so dearly love and choose to serve(Yes, God is a choice....He is a gentleman and lets you choose!) Essentially I think of Him as, "Alive" all the time.

What I mean is, Jesus dies at Easter, He gives His life to erase our sin, and yet He lives again on the 3rd day. Isn't it so wonderful to know that someone was thinking of us before we even took a breath?

I am still relishing the thought of that! HE CARES SO MUCH FOR US and yet we choose to blow Him off.....alot of the time.

Guilty...I will be the first to admit I sat him on the back-burner not too long ago actually. Boy did He have a way of showing me who He was! I am glad He loves me so much to take away the things that hinder my walk and set me upon a path that will ultimately be for my greater good...even when I do not see it now. I have even thought about cursing His name...a time or two yet I couldn't! He is GOD, my God, ever so loving and holy. He has not failed me nor will He ever.

Back to Easter.This time is interesting. I took time to think about others instead of just myself. I spent more time with my cousins, I visited my grandparents longer, I chilled with my mom, and I saw my beautiful friends.... all during this time of reverance to God. He supplied me with love and now I must give LOVE. Sometimes giving Love is hard.... you may be rejected, you may be accepted. It's a 50/50 shot. Is it something we are willing to do?

Here is what we should ask ourselves the next time we are faced with a decision...any decision...

Did God think twice? yes, BUT He chose LOVE! HE CHOSE LOVE!

Always choose LOVE. You will not go wrong by doing what the Lord has asked. He has said, "Love God, Love People."

What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it a daisy? Guess what? It is GOD because God IS LOVE!~ If you choose love you ultimately choose God! It is a win/win situation.

He can only bless you for trying in His name.

I hope your Easter was very Blessed and beautiful. I must go now and try to tame my wild thoughts with some sleep.

Enjoy some of my "loves"~
