2 things I love.......
Skeleton Keys and Music!
It just so happens that I am the proud owner of 2 tickets to The Civil Wars concert in Abilene, Tx and 10 gorgeous skellies! (short for Skeleton Keys...I copied the slang from someone)
Did I get the keys with the tickets or vice versa?
No, I simply hit every website that I love and splurged!
Here they are! The 10 Skellies from Germany! Can't wait til I get them. I am thinking I will hang them on my christmas tree as ornaments. Trust me, I have many ideas floating around in my head already!
Here are The Civil Wars. Recognize the beauty? It is former christian artist Joy Williams. She made her own label called sensibility music and said for 7 years she had a burning desire to write her own stuff! Kudos for her, it is awesome!
Here is a link to a FREE live download of an album they released at Eddie's Attic. You will not be disappointed!
Can't wait to see them!
About Me

- Amber
- I am a 25 year old college grad and am taking the road less traveled. A couple of years ago I moved from my hometown of 20+ years and a life of stability and familiarity to follow the call of the Lord. It sounds a bit crazy but I know my Father's voice and He said to go...so I did. I am a Pre-K teacher and tutor and I believe in relying on the Lord to the best of my human ability for every open door to be provided. He has not failed me yet and I am beginning to think He never will...(He doesn't!He is GOD!)I love playing the guitar and I have been blessed with a voice to praise my maker. I look forward to writing and playing worship music with my future husband(whomever God is bringing) one day and raising an army for Christ.