I finish teaching in 5 days. GLORIOUS! I have had a great semester and I look forward to the needed summer break. It is funny, I am learning that I cannot look ahead too much, not even to tomorrow, because it is not promised. I am still trying to grasp that concept but it's coming! I have 5 days until freedom and I just don't know what to do after.
In my About Me, I wrote that I have moved from my home-town of 20 years and have established a career and fellowship elsewhere. There is one thing......my whole family is back home and I miss them. What shall I do? You may say, "go home silly girl!". I have almost 3 months to lounge(while getting paid praise the Lord) and I can really use that time to get things done back home with family. However, God has moved me here for a purpose and I have yet to see it come to pass. I know all He has done is for my good and now it is time to be obedient. He isn't asking for much. Just my dedication and open ear. I await His instruction and I pray that I be so open to heed His will. Sometimes I just wonder if I think to much......I tend to do that.
I hope that life has treated you kindly wherever you are in it. Know that God does not make us reel in a moment for too long. He only gives us what we can handle. There is a season for everything and well, WELCOME new season! I can't wait.