It is almost Wednesday of spring break and I am officially getting used to sleeping in! It has been so long since I have slept past 10am.... even on the weekends. I am back home for the week and already I have made time for many, many friends! I am so blessed to see as many of my friends as I can while I am here. Not to mention, I have had 2 dinners cooked requesting the honor of my presence! My family rocks! Tomorrow is going to be fun, I get a lunch date with my grandparents at Red Lobster. YUM!
Today was interesting, I listened to the song by Addison Road called, " What do I know of Holy?" and it brought me to tears. In a way it makes you think about the reality of you, perhaps not knowing who Christ is? His heart for you, His admiration of you, His unfailing love. I could hear it over and over again. I must admit, there are many thoughts that race through my mind each day as I am here in my old stomping grounds. I am sure of this, God has moved me from this place to function elsewhere. Why is it? Whiy did He have to take such drastic measures to see if I was/am listening? Some people might think it was cruel...heck I struggle with that myself. Once again, I do know that God has a greater plan than I can see right now and I know He was the one who moved in me to make me move...literally, spiritually, and physically.
The question at hand is this, What does He want me to do? What does He want with me? Why me? I could go on and on.
Here is where He has me now:
I am re-hired as a Pre-K Teacher for the 2010-2011 school year. I will make $1,000 more dollars thanks to the raise I received after 2 months of employment! Thank you Jesus! He is good! He DOES provide!
I am thinking seriously about moving into an apartment in late summer. It will be London themed! GORGEOUS! I have all sorts of ideas in my head right now!
I am NOT going to Scotland..did I mention that earlier? Only if the lord makes the way will I go! His will be done.
I will be in a wedding on June 19th.
I have no clue what I am doing after tomorrow! :) Just livin I guess!
I am sleepy now, should probably go to sleep.....or call my Annie James!~
Rest assured my friends, God knows what is going on...even when we do not. Easier said than to believe I am afraid but I know it is TRUTH.
May God bless you with the wonders of His revelation, the fire of His anointing, and the beauty of His mercies as you continue to live and love in Him!
love, LOve, LOVE!
About Me

- Amber
- I am a 25 year old college grad and am taking the road less traveled. A couple of years ago I moved from my hometown of 20+ years and a life of stability and familiarity to follow the call of the Lord. It sounds a bit crazy but I know my Father's voice and He said to I did. I am a Pre-K teacher and tutor and I believe in relying on the Lord to the best of my human ability for every open door to be provided. He has not failed me yet and I am beginning to think He never will...(He doesn't!He is GOD!)I love playing the guitar and I have been blessed with a voice to praise my maker. I look forward to writing and playing worship music with my future husband(whomever God is bringing) one day and raising an army for Christ.