About Me

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I am a 25 year old college grad and am taking the road less traveled. A couple of years ago I moved from my hometown of 20+ years and a life of stability and familiarity to follow the call of the Lord. It sounds a bit crazy but I know my Father's voice and He said to go...so I did. I am a Pre-K teacher and tutor and I believe in relying on the Lord to the best of my human ability for every open door to be provided. He has not failed me yet and I am beginning to think He never will...(He doesn't!He is GOD!)I love playing the guitar and I have been blessed with a voice to praise my maker. I look forward to writing and playing worship music with my future husband(whomever God is bringing) one day and raising an army for Christ.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks....It's Thanksgiving!!!

Yes it is....yet another year has gone by and WOW it has changed so much. I have noticed one very important thing this year: I love my family! I have always loved them, it's dorky, but I rally appreciated them this year. Much has happened to each one of us along the road but one thing that remains the same is we all LOVE eachother. That has and NEVER will change. I spent my Turkey Day with 17 of the most lovely people I know and dearly missed 4 others as they were away for the holiday in College Station. All through the day I received uplifting texts of Thanks from friends, some far away and some close by. How I wish I could keep the precious moments in my grasp forever but even those must slip away into my memory and become just that...memories. I do not know if I like having memories. Some of them are just to heartbreaking to delve back in to. I know, you are probably saying," well don't go there!" but it's not that easy. I am human. In my time of reflection I am however looking on to what the future holds. The one thing I am sure of is it will contain the goodness of Christ and only that. I once read somewhere that when we go back to our past, Christ is not there in that moment anymore, when we look to the future He cannot be there either. He is a PRESENT God. He only exists in our most present moments and we literally breathe breaths that He graciously sees fit to give us. I will go so far as to say that I know I will TRY,( I said it TRY) to do nothing without my Lord and Savior first being a part of it. I do not know what your situation is, I may not even know you personally but know that there is a God in heaven who knows everyone of us as deep as anyone could ever know. He lives to live through us and be thanked for what He has done. Even when it takes the most out of you to try to think of something to be thankful for, be thankful for life and remember that there is always someone out there that has it WAAAAY worse than you. Many times I have been put in my place for thinking my life was pretty pittiful...well I was just plain pittiful!The song on my page that you here first by Francesca is called "Behind the Scenes", it will give you a glimpse of what all of us have in common. I hope you have all had the most Blessed Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


God is so GOOD! Today was a great day. This week I have been blessed to make some extra money. Little did I know it would contribute to my brakes. My front brakes had been squealing for some time but earlier this week they started to grind. I knew what that meant.....MONEY! I have been only subbing for means of employment since finding a teaching job in mid November is kind of not happening and well, God does provide and boy is He providing! I do not make much but it is enough! I was excited to get to help my aunt here at the old school I used to work at and make some extra cash but like I said, I did not expect to use it all for my brakes. They finally went out on me and I knew it was time to get them fixed! I sucked up all the complaints I had in me and just took the time to thank the lord for the money He did provide for me this week while I helped out at school. All though it was a bummer to make moeny to burn it on brakes, at least I made money to pay for them! I looked into a shop here in town and I was told it would start at $170 for just front brakes if nothing else was wrong. I was not prepared for that, that was my whole paycheck...which I haven't even totally worked for yet! AHHHH! Once again I talked to God and just thanked Him for what He has given me. My mom asked me if I had talked to my uncle Neil today, he has a friend who works on brakes here in town so I called him up to see what he could tell me about good deals and bad deals. He called his friend and to my surprise, he said he would change my brakes for something like $20 bucks if I bought my own brakes and brought my car to him ASAP. I called a local auto-parts store and got the best quality brake you could find. I didn't go cheap because of all the driving I do to and from towns. Tooke my car to the shop, was welcomed by the sweetest owner, walked over to Pizza Hut across the way and was given, yes given a free coke! My car was done about an hour later and as I went to pay he said, "don't worry about it". I said, "no, let me pay you." He took my hand and said, "Your uncle always takes care of me, let me now help you." I wanted to cry. What could have been my money going out the window turned into one of the most eye opening blessings ever. You see people, when we take the time to just acknowledge that God will take care of it even when it doesn't seem too good and trust that whatever we need will be done...well it will be done because God will show you just how big He is! I will not forget this day and what I went through. I am forever blessed and can't wait to see what God will do next when I give Him my cares daily.
Dr. Pepper from Pizza Hut-$0
Labor for brakes-$0
Seeing my mouth drop to the floor because I did not pay near enough the asking price-PRICELESS

Monday, November 2, 2009


Is there such thing? I really have no idea but I have heard that word alot lately and I am about to make an acronym for it. Let's see if I have the skills to do this!
Think about it!
(if you have trouble with some of the words, go to dictionary.com to get a better meaning of this)
One thing to say:
God is LOVE.
He does not oppress.
Sometimes humans drop the ball.
There may never be closure for something that happens in our lives, but with the hope of Jesus, ONLY Jesus, will we ever have peace and go through true repentance and release. Only through HIM can we release all bitterness, all anger, all.
Be Blessed~

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ok so this is going to be a quick one~ I got a call today from the principal of a school where I live to be interviewed TOMORROW! I may be a 2nd grade teacher before we know it! I am so nervous but God is in control and I have full faith in Him to take care of this! If this is not to be the door He has for me to walk through ,well I will keep waiting and trusting! I hope all of you are having the sweetest and most blessed days~ Good Night everyone~ I must get a good night's rest!
Be Blessed~